Changing the face of Cleopatra

Changing the face of Cleopatra
This is quite fun. The page doesn't go into great depth about the coin (that has been covered elsewhere), but it does show a page of photographs of how Cleopatra has been depicted by modern imaginations. "Analysis of a recently found and well-preserved coin shows a rather plainer profile than we'd come to imagine - large nose, well we expected that, and a rather sharp chin.So, just for the hell of it, here's a quick reminder of some of the ways Cleopatra has been portrayed in art and the myth perpetuated."

There is also a link to a page entitled "Was Cleopatra Beautiful?" quoting various Classical references, and data from coins.

- Book Review: Cleopatra, Last Queen Of Egypt
JS Online (Allen Barra) Cleopatra, Last Queen of Egypt. By Joyce Tyldesley. Basic Books. Cleopatra has generated more fame - in the form of poems, paintings, books, plays and films - per known fact than any woman in history. Advertisement As Joyce Tyldesley...

- Book Review: Cleopatra And Egypt
Bryn Mawr Classical Review Sally-Ann Ashton, Cleopatra and Egypt. Blackwell Ancient Lives. Malden, MA/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. Reviewed by James Allan Evans, University of British Columbia ([email protected].) There has been a plethora of books...

- Hairstyles Of Cleopatra "Egyptian queen Cleopatra used her hairstyles in calculated ways to enhance her power and fame, according to a book published recently by a Yale art history and classics professor. Statues,...

- More On Cleopatra Dressed As A Man In an article entitled "Was Cleopatra a Drag Queen" (!) this ABC news item covers the story, which has been raised a couple of times in this blog, about images of Cleopatra depicted in...

- Cleopatra Comes To America
Here a short article on a new exhibition coming to Philadelphia at the Franklin Institute on Cleopatra including some artifacts raised from the bay at Alexandria as well as from the excavations being carried out at the temple of Taposiris Magna where...

