More on Cleopatra dressed as a man

More on Cleopatra dressed as a man
In an article entitled "Was Cleopatra a Drag Queen" (!) this ABC news item covers the story, which has been raised a couple of times in this blog, about images of Cleopatra depicted in men's clothing. One academic quoted believes that the image was pre-carved for Cleopatra's brother and that the depiction was not changed when it became used for Cleopatra, whereas another believes that it was a deliberate attempt to show Cleopatra associated with attributes associated with Pharaohs (as with Hatshepsut). See the above URL for more.

- Photo For Today - Head Of A Queen
Copyright Rick Menges, with my thanks for both the photo and the caption (Left) (No written description available) (Right) Head of a Queen, Perhaps Cleopatra II or Cleopatra III Artist: Anonymous (Egyptian) Date (Period): ca. 140-120 BC (Greco-Roman)...

- Cleopatra Has 21st Century Defender
CNN (Ben Wedeman) Today, I met Cleopatra's lawyer. Well, not her lawyer but someone who is determined to defend the legendary queen against centuries of bad publicity. Kathleen Martinez is a young archaeologist from the Dominican Republic who has...

- Changing The Face Of Cleopatra This is quite fun. The page doesn't go into great depth about the coin (that has been covered elsewhere), but it does show a page of photographs of how Cleopatra has been...

- Hairstyles Of Cleopatra "Egyptian queen Cleopatra used her hairstyles in calculated ways to enhance her power and fame, according to a book published recently by a Yale art history and classics professor. Statues,...

- Was Cleopatra Black?"Watching a local television program recently, I heard Spike Lee express his belief that Queen Cleopatra of Egypt was Black. The African American hostess of the TV show agreed...

