Chantress of Amun

Chantress of Amun

So now it is Tahemaa's turn in the ct scanner. The 2500 year old mummy is that of a young women who lived at Thebes and was a chantress in the temple of Amun.

- Photo For Today - Shabti
Painted limestone statue of a Chantress of Amun, with spell 6from the Book of the Dead19th Dynasty.. Provenance unknownBritish Museum. EA24428 Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Feature: The Rise Of Thebes, The Rise Of Amun
Em Hotep (Keith Payne) The story of Amun’s rise to supremacy over the Egyptian pantheon is inseparable from the story of how Thebes rose from an insignificant speck on the map to the spiritual center of the Egyptian universe. This account of the ascent...

- Mummification Museum Lecture - Tt16, Tomb Of Panehsy
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- Best Of 2007
The death of the town of Guorna: This year King Tut was Ct. scanned: and was moved to his antechamber:

- British Museum Mummy Scanned
Though the mummy has been scanned before the technology is now just that much better. The British Museum wants to know more about the jewellery around the mummies neck.

