Photo for Today - Shabti

Photo for Today - Shabti

Painted limestone statue of a Chantress of Amun, with spell 6
from the Book of the Dead
19th Dynasty.. Provenance unknown
British Museum. EA24428

- Photo For Today: Shabti Box
Shabti box showing the deceased and her ba receiving food and drink from the goddess Nut 19th Dynasty Provenance unknown British Museum EA 35648 Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photo For Today - Head From Sarcophagus, Mfa
Copyright Rick Menges, with my thanks Head from an anthropoid sarcophagus Ptolemaic Dynast, c. 200 B.C. Limestone No provenance listed Here's the description from the MFA website: Head from an anthropoid sarcophagus Egyptian, Hellenistic Period...

- Antiquities Market: Celtic Armadillos, Nilotic Fish, And A Bright Blue Shabti
Maine Antique Digest (Ian McKay) The market in antiquities is one that continues to hold up strongly in the face of what remain difficult economic times for some markets, not to mention stricter export laws and regulations on what can and cannot be sold....

- The Goldworker Of Amun Sobekmose
Here we have the Book of the dead of Sobekmose an 18th dynasty goldworker of Amun. Sobekmose lived within the reign of Thutmosis III to his son Amenhotep II, between 1479bce - 1400bce, At such a date it makes Sobekmose's one of the earliest Books...

- Chantress Of Amun
So now it is Tahemaa's turn in the ct scanner. The 2500 year old mummy is that of a young women who lived at Thebes and was a chantress in the temple of Amun.

