Chasing Mummies

Chasing Mummies

I've just noticed that the series Chasing Mummies, which had such polarized reviews when it aired in the US, is starting on UK television tonight on Sky 3. I won't be in to watch it so I won't be reviewing it. Here's the Radio Times online summary:

Egyptologist Dr Zahi Hawass and his team supervise the restoration of the Step Pyramid, the oldest in Egypt, but a member of the fellowship program becomes trapped inside.

- On Hawass And Repatriation
The Wall Street Journal Dr. Hawass is something of a global media icon, following a series of heavily hyped TV specials and a carefully cultivated public persona. His recent History Channel series, "Chasing Mummies," depicted him as a sort of burly denim-clad...

- More Re Chasing Mummies Thanks to Jane Akshar's Luxor News Blog for pointing me at this review. The reviews on my earlier posts about this show, which I haven't seen, have been consistently negative. Here's another to add to the list. You can find...

- Another Review Re "chasing Mummies"
Passionate About History (Mary Harrsch) The trailers I watched for the new History Channel series "Chasing Mummies" piqued my interest and the "Show me the mummy" play on words brought a smile to my lips. But I'm afraid I was sadly disappointed in...

- Tv Show Review: Chasing Mummies
Heritage Key (Jon Himoff) The heart sinks at the very title. Zahi Hawass has a new television show coming out on History Channel tomorrow, called "Chasing Mummies". We had a look at the trailer and it seems like they are going for a highly pop-culture...

- Chasing Mummies: A Review
When first I watched the new TV soap opera known as "Chasing Mummies" or as I like to call it Chasing the mummy, I had a friend over for dinner who asked if we could watch something less irritating, I agreed but sadly because I was writing this article...

