Conference: Egypt at its Origins #3

Conference: Egypt at its Origins #3

I don't often publish Conference information or Calls for Papers (EEF do a much better job of assembling that data), but this one is one of a series of landmark conferences that deserves to be highlighted. I've published the original email in full, because there is no web address accompanying the details.

The inaugural meeting of the international conference Origin of the State: Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt was held in Kraków, Poland, in August 2002. Following the success of the second meeting in Toulouse, France, in September 2005, the Scientific Committee invites papers for the Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt, “Egypt at its Origins”, to be held at the British Museum, London, from Sunday 27th July to Friday 1st August 2008.

The conference will be organised around a series of major themes within the broader subject of the origins of the Egyptian state, with a particular emphasis on recent archaeological results:

• Materials, Industries and Technologies
• Unification Revisited: Relations Between Upper and Lower Egypt
• Ritual Architecture and Activities
• Beyond the Borders: Egypt and its Neighbours
• Early Kingship and Bureaucracy

This list is not exhaustive; the themes are merely intended to provide a focus for discussion, and further suggestions will be considered by the Scientific Committee.
Groups working on material from the same site or subject are encouraged to present joint papers, and appropriate slots in the programme will be available for Brief Communications (max. 10 minutes) concerning news of current work in the field. Limited facilities will also be available for paper and PowerPoint posters.Submission Procedure
The official language of the conference is English. Abstracts of between 300 and 500 words, in 12pt Times New Roman font (10pt for references) with single line spacing, should be submitted electronically (in Microsoft Word format) to the following address by Monday 1st October 2007:

[email protected]

Abstracts should be clearly marked for consideration as papers or posters. Each submission should include the following information:

• Title of the communication
• Name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s)
• Postal and e-mail address(es) of the author(s)

Acceptance on the programme is based upon the review of abstracts submitted. Papers will be assigned to individual sessions (titles to be confirmed) by the Scientific Committee. A conference website, currently under construction, will contain further information regarding registration, accommodation and schedule.

We look forward to welcoming our colleagues in London in 2008.
Renée Friedman, Liam McNamara
The Organising Committee

Egypt at its Origins
The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt
The British Museum, London
Sunday 27th July – Friday 1st August 2008

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