Coptic era discoveries

Coptic era discoveries (
"While carrying out a survey on the archaeological valleys and hills on Luxor's West Bank, in an attempt to locate sites used by the Copts, an archaeological mission of the French Institute for Oriental Studies has unearthed a significant number of clay sherds dating back to the Coptic era (451 - 641 AD). . . . In Haggag Valley Aspaniya, the team succeeded in locating six Coptic archaeological sites, one of which includes a cave with bent corridors covered with gypsum and bearing Coptic inscriptions."
See the above page for the full story.

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- Coptic Research Website Updated
ambilacuk Thanks to Howard Middleton-Jones for letting me know that he has updated his Coptic Research pages. The Coptic Research project is ongoing research area with many useful links and articles on Coptic archaeology, art and history. There is a...

- Christmas In Egypt Today
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