New blog: Coptic News and Archive

New blog: Coptic News and Archive

This is a new blog which deals exclusively with Coptic heritage and culture. It is hoped that it will provide a useful resource to those who are investigating Coptic heritage, an area of interest which is expanding fast. It has been compiled by Howard Middleton-Jones and myself.

There aren't enough news items on the subject to post on a daily basis, so we are going to run it as a frequently updated archive. It has initially been populated with backdated articles, and will be updated whenever we have new items to add.

At the moment it is very much a work in progress, so if you are interested in the Coptic period and have anything that you think might help us to develop this resource your thoughts would be very welcome. Links to any articles, old or new, would also be most welcome.

Anyone who visits this blog can see my profile to know all they need to know about me. Howard is a Coptic specialist (which I, of course, am not). He has a website dedicated to Coptic studies, "Coptic Research" which includes his Coptic Monastery Database Project, and can be found at:

- Interview With Dr. Gawdat Gabra Thanks to Howard Middleton-Jones for sending me the link to his interview with the Coptologist Dr. Gawdat Gabra in Munster Germany, posted on the Coptic Research site. Please click on the photograph on the above...

- The Coptic Museum: A Silent Jewel
Al Ahram Weekly by Nadja Tomoum The Coptic Museum,situated in the heart of Old Cairo,was built in 1910 by Marcus Simaika Pasha who devoted his life to the preservation and promotion of the Coptic heritage. With the support of the Coptic church, Simaika...

- Conserving The Deir Al-surian Library"The Coptic monastery known as Deir Al-Surian, or the Monastery of the Syrians, contains more than 3,000 books as well as a vast number of texts in Syriac, Aramaic (the language of Christ), Coptic, Arabic and...

- The State Of Coptic Studies A fascinating article about the failure of founders and supporters of "Coptic studies" to find an agreed upon definition for Coptic studies as a discipline. It is an interesting insight into the nature of...

- Coptic Art Revisited
This article is on a display of Coptic art at the Mamluk era palace Al-Amir Taz. The exhibition of 205 works of Coptic art is to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Coptic museum founded in 1910. The article contains 15 pictures of the recently renovated...

