The State of Coptic Studies

The State of Coptic Studies
A fascinating article about the failure of founders and supporters of "Coptic studies" to find an agreed upon definition for Coptic studies as a discipline. It is an interesting insight into the nature of academia itself. This article summarises some of the issues that emerged form the International Association for Coptic Studies (eigth congress).

- Online: New Coptic Blog
Alin Suciu If you are interested in Coptic studies there's a new blog on the subject of research on patristics, a, Coptic literature and manuscripts by Alin Suciu a Ph.D. candidate at the Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses, Université...

- New Blog: Coptic News And Archive This is a new blog which deals exclusively with Coptic heritage and culture. It is hoped that it will provide a useful resource to those who are investigating Coptic heritage, an area of interest which is expanding fast....

- Coptic Research Website Updated
ambilacuk Thanks to Howard Middleton-Jones for letting me know that he has updated his Coptic Research pages. The Coptic Research project is ongoing research area with many useful links and articles on Coptic archaeology, art and history. There is a...

- Coptic Era Discoveries ("While carrying out a survey on the archaeological valleys and hills on Luxor's West Bank, in an attempt to locate sites used by the Copts, an archaeological mission of the French Institute for Oriental Studies...

- Coptic Art Revisited
This article is on a display of Coptic art at the Mamluk era palace Al-Amir Taz. The exhibition of 205 works of Coptic art is to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Coptic museum founded in 1910. The article contains 15 pictures of the recently renovated...

