CT scan of Philadelphia mummy

CT scan of Philadelphia mummy

An article accompanied by a video report about the investigations into a mummy nick-named Annie, originally from Akhmim (c.300 miles south of Cairo), dating to between 300 and 200BC: "Back in April, Annie was taken from the Academy of Natural Sciences to Hahnemann Hospital. Without disturbing Annie's wrappings, she was given a CT scan. These images were then sent to a laboratory to produce a skull model. Now, forensic sculptor Frank Bender will start facial reconstruction."
see the above page for the remainder of this short story

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NBC New York A hospital CT scan device helped look back in time Thursday, examining a mummy more than 2,600 years old from ancient Egypt. At North Shore University hospital in Manhasset, hospital doctors and researchers from the Brooklyn Museum used...

- Meeting Annie
COSI's Lost Egypt (Kate) Our conservator, Mimi LeVeque, and I met at the Academy of Natural Sciences on Monday to finish conservation of the mummy for Lost Egypt, nicknamed “Annie.” The Academy staff was very helpful, and set us up behind their...

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Otago Daily Times (John Gibb) Revolutionary advances in the science of facial reconstruction may soon make it much easier to identify missing people, including crime victims, when little more than a skull has been found. Dr George Dias, a University of...

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http://tinyurl.com/empxg (news.pajamasmedia.com)"She has emotion, character, serenity. And though she's but a plaster reconstruction, she's far more personable than her namesake whose mummified remains lie upstairs in the Reading Public Museum....

- More On The Mummy Pesed
http://www.pennlive.com/newsflash/pa/index.ssf?/base/news-28/1119821312111700.xml&storylist=penn "Last week, Pesed was taken to College Fields MRI in Neshannock, Lawrence County, for a CT scan, during which computers produced images of half-millimeter-thick...

