CT scan results of the Younger Lady (KV35)

CT scan results of the Younger Lady (KV35)

"Three mummies are located in the tomb of Amenhotep II (KV 35). Scholars have differing opinions concerning the identities of these mummies, but one in particular was the star of the media over the past three years. A CT scan was taken of it; this, which essentially goes inside the mummy and captures approximately 1,700 images. The British archaeologist Joann Fletcher identified it as Queen Nefertiti. The CT scan of this mummy was studied by Ashraf Selim, professor of radiology in the Faculty of Medicine at Cairo University. Recently, Brando Quicili made a new film about Nefertiti for National Geographic. This film was intended to uncover the real facts behind the most famous queen of Egypt. Abbie Harper was also enthusiastic to present all the evidence cited by Fletcher in the Discovery Channel film and also what has been written about the famous Egyptian queen.
Now, it is time to present the evidence that we have discovered from the study of the CT scan, which will prove that the younger lady discovered in KV 35 cannot be Nefertiti."

For a good summary of the Fletcher scan of the Younger Lady, her conclusions, and reactions at the time, see Nevine El-Aref's summary at:

For Marianne Luban's paper on the subject of the identification of the three mummies, see:

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