Cuba's only mummy

Cuba's only mummy
Thanks to EEF for their excellent newsletter, in which I found the following item which I had previously missed (in Spanish), looking at Cuba's only known Egyptian mummy, purchased in 1912:

Tal vez "Emilio Bacardí se rascó la cabeza e inquirió a su esposa, Doña Elvira Cape, cómo llevar a casa el “souvenir” que acababan de comprar en aquella tienda de antigüedades. . . . lo que es hoy la mayor atracción del más longevo de los museos cubanos: la única momia egipcia de que se tiene referencia en el país y en el área del Caribe. . . . Lo modesto del decorado y la técnica empleada en la confección del sarcófago que la acompaña, parecen dejar claro que no se trataba de una reina ni un personaje de la alta aristocracia, sino de una mujer de clase media."
See the full article above.

Rough translation: Perhaps Emilio Bacardi scratched his head and asked his wife how they were going to take home the souvenir that they had just purchased from that antiquities shop, which is now the major attraction of the most longstanding of the Cuban museums: the only known Egyptian mummy in Cuba and the Carribean area. . . . The modesty of both the decoration and the skill employed in the manufacture of the sarcophagus imply that this was not a queen or a member of the high aristocracy, but a middle class lady. She probably dates to the Ptolemaic period.

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