Hawass and Hosni on official visit to Cuba

Hawass and Hosni on official visit to Cuba

Habana Patrimonial (Marjorie Peregrin)

This article is actually more of a flying travelogue of Havana than anything. Zahi Hawass and Farouk Hosni are visiting Cuba and have been given a guided tour of restoration work taking place in Havana.

Junto al parque arqueológico de la Muralla de Mar, en la zona más antigua de La Habana, el Dr. Eusebio Leal Spengler, Historiador de la Ciudad, y Margarita Ruiz, presidenta del Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural, recibieron al notable historiador Dr. Zahi Hawass Abdelwahab Hawas, Secretario General del Consejo Supremo de Antigüedades de Egipto, y a Farouk Abdel Aziz Hosny, Ministro de Cultura de ese país, quienes realizan una visita oficial a Cuba.

There is also a piece about it, in PDF format , on the Habana Nuestra website, which says that the Egyptian delegation were taken to the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de La Habana to see the ancient Egyptian display. I can't work out exactly why the Egyptian team are there but in the above PDF it states that there is hope that the two countries will exchange experiences about conservation techniques.

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