Daily Photo - Amarna at the Ashmolean

Daily Photo - Amarna at the Ashmolean

In the recent news, the Nefertiti bust in the Berlin Altes Museum has been found to have bags under her eyes, and wrinkles. Unfortunately I've never been to Amarna, but here are a pair of photographs of Amarna period artefacts from the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, U.K.

Nefertiti and Meritaten

Amarna princesses

- Museums
Neues Museum re-openening http://abcnews.go.com/Travel/berlin-neues-museum-reopens/story?id=8859496 For the first time since WWII all of the galleries of Berlin's Neues Museum are open to the public, as of 16th October. It has been closed since 1939...

- More Re Wrinkles Found On The Nefertiti Bust
Expatica Maybe wrinkles are not so bad after all, some German scientists have discovered. In ancient times, such laugh lines and wrinkles around the mouth improved the face of Nefertiti, the Egyptian queen acclaimed as the world's most beautiful woman....

- New View Of Nefertiti Bust
http://news.sawf.org/Lifestyle/20224.aspx "Discovered in 1912 at Tel-El-Amarna in what used to be the workshop of the sculptor Thutmose, the bust – depicting a woman with a long neck, elegantly arched brows, high cheekbones, a slender nose and an enigmatic...

- 100 Years Of Irritation
The 100th anniversary of the excavation at Tell el Amarna in 1912 and it's most important discovery, the bust of an unknown royal Amarna woman believed to be Queen Nefertiti. The Neues museum is celebrating the anniversary of their most famous lady....

- Nefertiti Going Nowhere
Germany's Minister of Culture Bern Nuemann said today that the bust of Nefertiti in the Neues museum in Berlin will stay in Berlin. The minister was responding to the Egyptian Minister of culture Dr. Zahi Hawass who keeps threatening to make an official...

