New view of Nefertiti bust

New view of Nefertiti bust
"Discovered in 1912 at Tel-El-Amarna in what used to be the workshop of the sculptor Thutmose, the bust – depicting a woman with a long neck, elegantly arched brows, high cheekbones, a slender nose and an enigmatic smile played about red lips, has become the international symbol of beauty.
However, a new examination of the famous bust has revealed visible wrinkles running down her slender neck, and puffy bags circling, leading experts to now believe that Nefertiti was an aging beauty.
Dietrich Wildung, director of Berlin's Egyptian museum, who is part of the investigation, revealed that signs of aging had been discovered when he considered using a different kind of lighting to display the bust at Berlin’s Altes Museum."
See the full story on the above page.

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