Tomb of Nefertiti's Sculptor

Tomb of Nefertiti's Sculptor

 From the Harvard Gazette comes this article on a tomb at Saqqara discovered in 1996 by Egyptologists Alain Zivie who believes it to be the tomb of the sculptor of the famous and much quarreled over bust of Nefertiti (?), in Berlin's Neues Museum.I put the question mark because the bust does not contain the name of which Amarna lady is present, it is presumed that it is Nefertiti because in some images of the queen she is seen wearing the headdress presented on the famous bust.

Photo Credit: Jon Chase/Harvard Staff Photographer

- Another Article Re Nefertiti And Repatriation
ABC News /Spiegel Online (Michael Sontheimer and Ulrike Knöfel) Comprehensive four-page overview of the case and its history. Germany and Egypt have long been at odds over the return of the famous bust of Nefertiti. Now documents found in archives...

- More Re Wrinkles Found On The Nefertiti Bust
Expatica Maybe wrinkles are not so bad after all, some German scientists have discovered. In ancient times, such laugh lines and wrinkles around the mouth improved the face of Nefertiti, the Egyptian queen acclaimed as the world's most beautiful woman....

- Nefertiti Had Wrinkles Wrinkles improved the face of Nefertiti, the pharaonic Egyptian queen acclaimed as the world's most beautiful woman, German scientists have discovered. The 3,000-year-old bust of Nefertiti is the greatest treasure at Berlin's Altes Museum....

- Nefertiti Going Nowhere
Germany's Minister of Culture Bern Nuemann said today that the bust of Nefertiti in the Neues museum in Berlin will stay in Berlin. The minister was responding to the Egyptian Minister of culture Dr. Zahi Hawass who keeps threatening to make an official...

- The Real Nefertiti

