The Real Nefertiti

The Real Nefertiti

A scan of the famous and hotly disputed bust of Nefertiti in the Altes museum has revealed what appears to be the famous Queen without her makeup on.

and here:

- Another Article Re Nefertiti And Repatriation
ABC News /Spiegel Online (Michael Sontheimer and Ulrike Knöfel) Comprehensive four-page overview of the case and its history. Germany and Egypt have long been at odds over the return of the famous bust of Nefertiti. Now documents found in archives...

- Nefertiti Focus Of German Papers "The reopening of Das Egyptische Museum und Papyrussamlung in Germany where the bust of Queen Nefertiti is exhibited was the focus of most German newspapers," reported the Middle East News Agency yesterday....

- Tomb Of Nefertiti's Sculptor
 From the Harvard Gazette comes this article on a tomb at Saqqara discovered in 1996 by Egyptologists Alain Zivie who believes it to be the tomb of the sculptor of the famous and much quarreled over bust of Nefertiti (?), in Berlin's Neues Museum.I...

- Never Ending Nefertiti
I recently purchased an old book and found inside a 50 year old postcard from Luxor with a picture of none other than the Berlin Nefertiti and wow here I am writing yet another piece on her. The controversy level on this bust is through the roof and doubtless...

- Nefertiti's New Home
The famous bust of Nefertiti in the Altes museum in Berlin has now been moved to its new room in the recently restored Neues museum, the museum was badly damaged in WWII and has recently been restored at a cost of about $400 million. The bust has been...

