Daily Photo - Faiyum Neolithic at the Petrie

Daily Photo - Faiyum Neolithic at the Petrie

The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology has put its entire collection online so that anyone with an Internet connection can find specifc artefacts or search for general categories. The photographs shown here are all held at the Petrie, and are copied directly from their online database. The Faiyum Depression in northern Egypt. to the southwest of Cairo, and has a rich prehistoric past which was investigated in the 1920s and 1930s by the remarkable team of Gertrude Caton-Thompson and Elinor Wight Gardner. I have a website about the prehistory of the Faiyum if it is of interest, although it is a little out of date.

Fish bones

Scrap of woven flax


Bifacial concave-based arrowhead

Polished red cooking vessel

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