Daily Photo - More from Karnak

Daily Photo - More from Karnak

You may become a trifle bored with Karnak if you've seen lots of photographs before - I have nearly a week's worth to come! But for those of you who aren't terribly keen on the oases, the desert and rock art this may come as a pleasant change.

Pier - I don't include you in the above, now knowing that your passion for Karnak is only equalled by your passion for Angelina Jolie :-)

- Photo For Today - The Avenue Of Sphinxes At Luxor Temple
The start of an avenue of sphinxes that originally stretched to the Temple of Karnak which lies approximately North. Photo and text by Jon Bosworth, with my thanks. [This is an old photograph - the mosque at the end of the photo has been removed so...

- Trivia: Another Cleopatra Movie
The Guardian, UK (Catherine Shoard) Angelina Jolie is to star in a new film about the life of the queen of the Nile, adapted from the forthcoming biography, Cleopatra: A Life, by Pulitzer prize-winner Stacy Schiff. The book isn't published until the...

- Kmt Spring 2009
KMT Thanks very much to John Rauchert for letting me know that noticed that details of the new issue of KMT (cover and table of contents for Volume 20, No. 1 ) have been posted on their site. Hopefully it will be available in outlets soon. The seven...

- Egypt Finds Second Pier At Ancient Temple Complex
Reuters Egyptian archaeologists have discovered a pier used by ancient Egyptians to access the Karnak temple complex during the dry season in the southern city of Luxor, the Egyptian government said on Monday. The discovery was further evidence of the...

- Second Pier At Karnak
A pier used during the dry season at the Karnak temple complex has recently been identified. http://af.reuters.com/article/topNews/idAFJOE50P0PQ20090126?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews...

