Second Pier at Karnak

Second Pier at Karnak

A pier used during the dry season at the Karnak temple complex has recently been identified.

- Daily Photo - More From Karnak
You may become a trifle bored with Karnak if you've seen lots of photographs before - I have nearly a week's worth to come! But for those of you who aren't terribly keen on the oases, the desert and rock art this may come as a pleasant change....

- Astronomy At Karnak discussion of potential astronomical role/status of Karnak: "Near the Nile River lies a temple complex called Karnak in what was once ancient Thebes and is now modern Luxor. The great Temple of Amun...

- Ancient Treasures Shed Light On Sudan More on the British Museum's exhibition of Sudanese archaeology: "Among some of the funerary objects are small carved figurines dating back to 4,500 BC...

- Ptolemaic Bath
Here an article on a bath discovered and a quay at the Karnak temple complex.

- Bulgaria Say's No To Extradition
The Lebanese dealer convicted in absentia in Egypt for smuggling will not be handed over to Egyptian authorities.

