Daily Photo - Predynastic figurine from the Petrie

Daily Photo - Predynastic figurine from the Petrie

UC15155. Pottery figure of beak-faced woman wearing long white dress from above breasts to ankels-red slip portraying bare flesh- arms raised (but both missing) -feet missing. Broken at waist and repaired. 16.5cms. Naqada I (3500BCE-4000BCE).

Copyright: Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology,
University College London
With my thanks

- Daily Photo - Old Kingdom Red Ware Bowl
UC17588. Burnished red ware pottery bowl with incurve rim. Broken and repaired. Dynasty 4? (2494BCE-2613BCE). Found at Meydum. Diameter 25.5 cms. Copyright: Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London With my thanks Egyptology...

- Daily Photo - Mycenean Vase At Gurob
UC16631. Mycenean IIIB1 stirrup vase of pottery, cream with broad black and thin brown circular line decoration - piece of spout missing. Black patch from burning. Late Dynasty 18 (1295BCE-1550BCE). Found at Gurob. Height 8.6 cms max diameter 11.1 cms....

- Daily Photo - 18th Dynasty Ceramics From The Petrie
UC19122. Redware pottery jar painted with blue bands and dark lines on cream background, cracked. 29cms. Eighteenth Dynasty. Medinet El-Faiyum. UC19145. Brown ware cream slip pottery jug with dark painted pattern, type 79K. 17.5cms. Eighteenth Dynasty....

- Daily Photo - Clothing From The Petrie Museum
The daily photo slot is hearby resumed, with my thanks to the Petrie who gave me the go-ahead to use their online database to make sure that I have sufficient material to update the blog with photographs on a daily basis. Thankfully, their descriptions...

- Daily Photo: Naqada Ii Ceramics
More photographs from the British Museum. Today's are Naqada II or Class D decorated ceramics. Flinders Petrie, known as the Father of Pots, devised a sequence for the Predynastic pottery that he was finding, and his pioneering work is still in use...

