Daily Photo and update

Daily Photo and update

I'm off to Wales today and am back on Friday. I have no idea if I will manage to update the blog between now and then as we have an awful lot to sort out whilst I'm there. If not, I'll backdate the blog at the weekend. Cheers. Andie

The White Desert
Egyptian Western Desert

- Blog Update
I'm away again as from tomorrow. going home for a visit to my father in north Wales. I'll be away for a week or so. I'm also collecting a new car and I may stay with a friend for a few days on the way back to London, so I'm not quite sure...

- Blog Update
I have to go up to Wales unexpectedly today, so I won't be around until early next week. Sorry! I'll backdate when I get back. Before I go I just want to say that I am having trouble with email. Some older emails are sitting in my "to do" folder...

- Blog Update
Tomorrow I am off to north Wales for a few days. I won't be updating the blog whilst I'm away but I'll update it on my return. I won't be picking up emails either, so I'll reply when I get back. I'll be back on Tuesday or Wednesday....

- More Technical Problems
No blog update today, thanks to more technical hitches. Also, I am away for the weekend so I won't be updating the blog until Monday or Tuesday. For those of you in the UK have a happy bank holiday weekend. Cheers AndieEgyptology News Blog, Andie...

- Blog Update
It is so very typical that the KV63 website should have been updated whilst I was in Wales. I have checked it every day since the last update, and it really is one of those laws of life that new photos were added whilst I was away. Anyway, I'm back...

