More technical problems

More technical problems

No blog update today, thanks to more technical hitches. Also, I am away for the weekend so I won't be updating the blog until Monday or Tuesday. For those of you in the UK have a happy bank holiday weekend.

Cheers Andie

- Meeting Up With Jane Akshar
After all these years emailing to and fro without ever meeting, Jane and I have finally got our act together and are meeting for lunch at the British Museum today. For some reason every time Jane has been in London and I've been in Luxor we have managed...

- Daily Photo And Update
I'm off to Wales today and am back on Friday. I have no idea if I will manage to update the blog between now and then as we have an awful lot to sort out whilst I'm there. If not, I'll backdate the blog at the weekend. Cheers. Andie The...

- Blog Update
Regular visitors will have spotted that I failed to update the blog either yesteday or this morning. I am having technical difficulties with a dial-up connection in Wales, for which my apologies. I will be back in London on Monday and will update the...

- Eef News Digest No news items today - probably partly due to yet more technical hitches with my ISP. But don't forget that last week's EEF News Digest is online at the above address, for all the latest...

- Blog Update: Technical Problems
Apologies for not updating the site for the last couple of days - I've had technical hitches with my Internet provision. I am in the process of updating details at the moment and will hopefully be able to post news items later this evening - failing...

