Daily Photo by Peter White

Daily Photo by Peter White

Peter White was on Bob Partridge's Ancient World Tours trip in October 2008 and he had arranged a balloon trip for the 10th October. They took off at 6:38 AM with almost no wind at all. 20 minutes after taking off from near the Ramesseum pylon as they were approaching Merenptah's mortuary temple their Hod-Hod Soliman virtuoso pilot descended rapidly. Peter says that he was at the rear of the basket and did not realise what his objective was until this huge foot appeared. The balloon was so low that the basket skimmed the trees as the pilot climbed away.

Peter remembers seeing a photo in an Egyptology magazine many years ago of this foot but he cannot remember the publication or the date.

Has anyone got or know of information about this huge, apparently four-toed foot? As described above, Peter took the photo from a brilliantly piloted Hod-Hod Soliman hot-air balloon in October 2008. The foot seemed to be very close to but outside the East corner of Merenptah's mortuary temple.

Do let us know, or email Peter direct:
Peter White, [email protected]

Click image to see a bigger version of the image

With many thanks to Peter White

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