Former temple?

Former temple?

Here's something a bit different. Currently setting up the Norfolk Ancient Egypt Society, Glen Fricker has emailed me a photo he took in 2001 from a hot air balloon (lucky thing - I still haven't managed to organize myself onto one of those!). He emails as follows:

"In August 2001 I took a balloon flight over the west bank at Luxor, starting from a field across the main road in front of Hatshepsut's temple at Deir el-Bahari. The balloon went south towards the collossi of Memnon statues of Amenhotep III, then the pilot managed to do a U-turn and back-tracked from where we had came from, but a little nearer to the Nile. When nearly in a straight line between Hatshepsut's temple and Karnak temple I looked down in a cultivated field and couldn't believe what I was seeing - see attached photo. This building is parallel to the Nile, or in other words on a north-south alignment like Luxor temple. Maybe worth posting it to get views on it I think?. I'd be curious to know what others think."

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- Daily Photo By Peter White
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- Travel: Flying Over Luxor
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