Dangers posed by Chinese-funded projects in Africa

Dangers posed by Chinese-funded projects in Africa

"Chinese-funded dams and other projects potentially threaten Africa's environment and local populations, an environmental group said Monday, urging Beijing to avoid similar mistakes made by Western donors.
Civic groups need to be engaged over projects such as the Merowe dam in Sudan, which is forcing 70,000 people from their homes in the Nile Valley into the Nubian desert, the U.S.-based International Rivers Network said in a statement."
Anyone who followed my Weekly Website links to Nubian archaeology sites will know that the Merowe Dam is also going to drown considerable areas of archaeological value.
See the above page for more information.

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- Weekly Websites
Nubian Rock Art Virtual Archive http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/research/projects/DEPT1_Kleinitz-RockArt "This online research archive is dedicated to the rock art of the Nile valley. Initially, it presents high resolution digital photographs, as well...

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