David Gill and repatriation

David Gill and repatriation

Wales Online

This article about the excellent work of David Gill barely touches on Egypt but the subject is both relevant to Egypt and important on a global scale. And yet another reference to Indiana Jones. Sigh.

LIKE Indiana Jones, Dr David Gill delights in getting his hands on precious antiquities.

But while his movie counterpart is often seen plucking priceless artefacts from ancient tombs, Dr Gill does the process in reverse – and sends the relics back to where they came from.

The Welsh academic works across the world in persuading museums to return ancient artefacts to Egypt, Italy, Greece and other countries suffering a plague of history looting.

- More Re The St Louis Mask
Looting Matters (David Gill) David Gill has had a look a the the St Louis Art Museum in the context of its membership of the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD). In 2008 the AAMD published "2008 Report of the AAMD Subcommittee on the Acquisition...

- Should The Rosetta Stone Go Back To Egypt?
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- The Value Of Ancient Egypt At Sotheby's, New York
Looting Matters (David Gill) David Gill has been keeping an eye on the sales of Egyptian antiquities at Sotheby's. See the above page for his graph showing a comparison of the value of lots sold in the December and June sales in Sotheby's New...

- Tv: Short Response To Antiques Rogue Show
Looting Matters (David Gill) The drama "Antiques Rogue Show" shown on the BBC yesterday explored the issue of the Amarna Princess sold to the Bolton Museum. One was left with the feeling that Shaun Greenhalgh, the forger, was (in the words of the reporter...

- Museum Watchdog
Archaeology Magazine () An interview with David Gill is now available on Archaeology's website. David Gill, a professor of archaeology at the University of Wales Swansea, is the author of a number of studies on the antiquities market. With his colleague...

