Should the Rosetta Stone go back to Egypt?

Should the Rosetta Stone go back to Egypt?

Looting Matters (David Gill)

Anyone who managed to miss the flurry of media interest and discussions in December and January about whether or not the Rosetta Stone should be returned to Egypt can find a summary of the situation on the above page. David Gill (Department of Classics, Ancient History and Egyptology at Swansea University, Wales) has a look at whether Egypt has a legal right to the return of the object and explains his personal position on the subject.

Dr Zahi Hawass has been mounting a case for the return of the Rosetta Stone along with other significant Egyptological pieces such as the head of Nefertiti in Berlin.

Is there a legal case to return the Rosetta Stone? The benchmark international agreement is the 1970 UNESCO Convention on on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property. The United Kingdom became a signatory in 2002.

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