David Rohl online

David Rohl online


Thanks to Jane Akshar for posting the above link on her Luxor News blog. David Rohl's theories have attracted a great deal of controversy but if you are interested in his work he has posted some of his articles on the above website.

- Photos - Hatshepsuts Cliff-top Tomb
Luxor News Blog Jane Akshar has yet again teamed up with Richard Sellicks to show off his great collection of photographs from Luxor. This time they are featuring Richard's photographs of the earliest proposed site for the tomb of the pharaoh Hatshepsut,...

- Kv 38 And Kv39
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Thanks again to Richard Sellicks for some excellent photographs and to Jane for posting them at the above address. As photography is no longer permitted at these sites it is particularly good to have access to some great...

- Floods In The Valley Of The Kings In 1994
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Jane has posted some photographs sent to her by one of her visitors, showing flood damage in the Valley of the Kings and elsewhere. I've never seen rain in Luxor and Jane says that in the seven years that she has been...

- Luxor News Blog - Jane Is Back!
Luxor News by Jane Akshar Brilliant News! Jane Akshar is back, alive and kicking, and delivering great news items about life and archaeology in Luxor. Actually, she never went away. She moved blog addresses and I didn't realize. So she is up and running...

- Standardized Taxi Rates From Airport To Luxor Hotels

