Dealing in antiquities

Dealing in antiquities
Multi-page article looking at the antiquities trade and how it is changing, using Phoenix Ancient Art, a successful antiquities dealer, as a case study: "In a climate where suspicion can be tantamount to guilt, antiquities dealers can no longer afford the perception of secrecy. More and more, their galleries are, by necessity, becoming "mini-museums. . . . Fewer objects are being traded because many do not come with the extensive documentation needed to prove their authenticity and provenance. Now, increasingly rare pieces with a clear provenance are fetching higher and higher prices. Similarly, while some long-time collectors, citing the recent controversies, have withdrawn from the antiquities field, newcomers are entering, hoping to turn the increased risk into a higher return on their investment." Zahi Hawass is quoted a couple of times with reference both to his attitudes and his claim for the return of the St Louis Mask, which was purchased through Phoenix Ancient Art. See the above article for the full story.

- St Louis Art Museum And Cultural Property From Egypt
Looting Matters (David Gill) I have commented on the Egyptian mask that somehow has moved from the store at Saqqara to the St Louis Art Museum (SLAM). My attention has been drawn to the significant study: Laura Elizabeth Young, "A Framework for Resolution...

- Antiquities Weather The Market ( FT article looking at the demand for legally available antiquities, looking at the impact of the recent cases regarding repatriation claims, the risks involved in purchasing antiquities, and pricing issues:...

- Art Museums Wrestle With Ownership Issue ( in a long line of recent articles about the challenges facing museums wishing to aquire antiquities for their collections, and the efforts of governments to repatriate items which, in some cases, should...

- Museums And Controversial Antiquities (Business Week)A useful overview of the current state of play following the recent spate of claims by countries who believe that they have the right to demand the repatriation of antiquities currently held by foreign museums....

- The Continuing Story Of Ka-nefer-nefer
The story of the mask called Ka-nefer-nefer in the St. Louis Art Museum appears to be turning on St. Louis in favour of Cairo as the mask clearly is the same mask excavated and shown in excavation photo's of the early 1950's. Lawyers for the museum...

