Developing the Faiyum Whales Valley area

Developing the Faiyum Whales Valley area (Egypt State Information Service)
"The ministerial committee formed by Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Nazif to develop Al-Hitan (Whales) valley area as a nature reserve held its second meeting to consider a plan for the purpose. The governor of Fayoum said that the meeting dealt with the results reached in light of recommendations submitted at the first meeting and the work program proposed since the area was declared a nature reserve by the UNESCO. Excavations of a group of fossilized whales dating back to about 40 million years were found in this area in addition to some other excavations of Sharks. Geologically the area dates back to almost 54 million years".

- Daily Photo - Wadi El Hitan, Faiyum
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- Valley Of The Whales - Wadi Al Hitan
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- Faiyum Whales To Become Part Of Nature Reserve
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