Diario Djehuty

Diario Djehuty

Diario Djehuty

The Djehuty dig diary is in full swing for those of you speak Spanish, or are prepared to use a translation engine. Daily posts in January and February are accompanied by lovely photos.

There's also a summary, in English, of the 2011 season:

- Online: Virtual Tour Of The Tomb Of Djehuty
Luxor News Blog Thanks to Jane Akshar for publishing a virtual tour, in video, of the tomb of Djehuty on the above page. If you speak Spanish full details of the Djehuty excavation can be found on the Project's website. A briefer English version,...

- Dig Diaries
In all the fuss about Tutankhamun don't forget that work carries on as normal at the excavations in Egypt. In the north, the Leiden team at Saqqara have now posted seven weeks of their Mission Digging Diary. Even though the new tomb failed to produce...

- In The Field: Diario Djehuty 2010
Diario Djehuty The dig diary about the excavations at the tomb of Djehuty in the Theban necropolis are online for the news season at the above address. Even if you don't speak Spanish the photographs are always well worth a visit. Un año más, el...

- Proyecto Djehuty Closes For The Season
Proyecto Djehuty The 8th season of the Djehuty Project has now ended for the year. The site was closed up with locks on the iron gates, the seal of the SCA put in place. It was then walled up with stones and cement. The preliminary report for the Supreme...

- Djehuty 2005 Dig Diary (in Spanish)
http://www.excavacionegipto.com/diario/diario05.jsp I was doing my usual Sunday morning trawl through my Egyptology Portal site, checking for updates and broken links, and I noticed that the Djehuty website has been updated with the 2005 dig diary. This...

