Online: Virtual tour of the tomb of Djehuty

Online: Virtual tour of the tomb of Djehuty

Luxor News Blog

Thanks to Jane Akshar for publishing a virtual tour, in video, of the tomb of Djehuty on the above page.

If you speak Spanish full details of the Djehuty excavation can be found on the Project's website. A briefer English version, which includes yearly reports, can be found on the website here.

- Exhibition: Djehuty Project Out In The Daylight
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) With 2 photos. A NUMBER of artefacts discovered at a tomb in Draa Abul-Naga necropolis on Luxor's west bank is to go on show for the first time in the Luxor National Museum, Nevine El-Aref reports. After almost 10...

- Diario Djehuty
Diario Djehuty The Djehuty dig diary is in full swing for those of you speak Spanish, or are prepared to use a translation engine. Daily posts in January and February are accompanied by lovely photos. There's also a summary, in English, of the 2011...

- Dig Diaries
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- More Re Flowers From The Tomb Of Djehuty El-Aref writes about the lastest discoveries from the tomb of Djehuty: "The discovery in 2003 of the tomb of Djehuty, overseer of works at Thebes during Queen Hatshepsut's reign, amazed Egyptologists...

- Rare Xvii Dynasty Coffin Found
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