Dig-it-al NEA

Dig-it-al NEA

The American Schools of Oriental Research

The new online complement to NEA is now available, free of charge, with a Museum Review relevant to Egypt - but see the above page for other Near Eastern topics.

Near Eastern Archaeology is pleased to announce its new online venture: Dig-it-al NEA. This online forum features original essays, reviews, and other content to complement the print publication of the journal.

Enchanted by an Exposition: Magical Antiquities from Egypt at Leiden
Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden, Netherlands
October 16, 2010 – March 13, 2011

- Journal Of Near Eastern Studies
www.journals.uchicago.edu/toc/jnes/69/1 Thanks to Kat for doing all the work to extract the seven book reviews of Egypt-related interest from the latest volume of the Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Neither articles nor book reviews are available free...

- Journal: Changes At Jnes
Chicago Journals The Journal of Near Eastern Studies is changing the frequency of its issues, and altering the format of the content, the layout and the style. Scary that they have a two year backlog of book reviews! The editors and publisher of the...

- Saqqara.nl
saqqara.nl Including the 2009 dig diaries. Welcome to Saqqara.nl A visitor to the site before 1975 would have viewed a landscape uncluttered by monuments of any kind ... An observant visitor might have noticed rough rectangular depressions in the sand:...

- Palarch Updated
www.PalArch.nl The new improved website is now online. The contents of the October issue include: PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology:Harrell, J.A. Archaeological geology of Wadi Sikait Book reviews (note that the book reviews are...

- Archaeology Magazine - July/august
Apart from three reviews (which may be quite old, but I don't recall seeing before), Archaeology Magazine has no features this month about Egypt, although their website still features their "Tut Watch" and "Hierakonpolis Interactive Dig" pages. The...

