Journal of Near Eastern Studies

Journal of Near Eastern Studies

Thanks to Kat for doing all the work to extract the seven book reviews of Egypt-related interest from the latest volume of the Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Neither articles nor book reviews are available free of charge, but you can purchase individual articles if required. The full TOC is available on the above page.

Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Volume 69, Number 1
(April 2010)

Cleopatra: Beyond the Myth, by Michel Chauveau and Cleopatra: A Sourcebook, by Prudence J. Jones.
Foy Scalf
Journal of Near Eastern Studies April 2010, Vol. 69, No. 1: 108.

The Quick and the Dead: Biomedical Theory in Ancient Egypt, by Andrew H.
Gordon and Calvin W. Schwabe.
W. Benson Harer Jr.
Journal of Near Eastern Studies April 2010, Vol. 69, No. 1: 109-110.

Egypt and the Levant: Interrelations from the 4th through the Early 3rd Millennium b.c.e., edited by Edwin C. M. van den Brink and Thomas E. Levy.
Benjamin Porter
Journal of Near Eastern Studies April 2010, Vol. 69, No. 1: 119-121.

The Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara: The Falcon Complex and
Catacomb: The Archaeological Report, by Sue Davies and H. S. Smith.
Emily Teeter
Journal of Near Eastern Studies April 2010, Vol. 69, No. 1: 124-126.

Soleb III: Le temple: Description; Soleb IV: Le temple: Plans et photographies; Soleb V: Le temple: Bas-reliefs et inscriptions, by Michela Schiff Giorgini, in collaboration with Clément Robichon and Jean Leclant. Edited by Nathalie Beaux.
Peter F. Dorman
Journal of Near Eastern Studies April 2010, Vol. 69, No. 1: 127-132.

Les Architraves du temple d’Esna: Paléographie, by Dimitri Meeks.
François Gaudard
Journal of Near Eastern Studies April 2010, Vol. 69, No. 1: 133-134.

Ägyptische Mumienmasken in Würzburg, by Martin Andreas Stadler.
Christina Riggs
Journal of Near Eastern Studies April 2010, Vol. 69, No. 1: 136-137.

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