Journal of Near Eastern Studies - April 2007

Journal of Near Eastern Studies - April 2007
The latest issue of the Journal of Near Eastern Studies (April 2007 , Volume 66, Number 2) is now out, containing the following pieces that are relevant to Ancient Egypt. See the above page for the full contents listing.

Paul John Frandsen. The Menstrual "Taboo" in Ancient Egypt
Book Reviews:
- Emily Teeter, Ancient Egypt: Treasures from the Collection of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago (Lana Troy)
- Helen Jacquet-Gordon, Temple of Khonsu. Vol. 3. The Graffiti on the Khonsu Temple Roof at Karnak: A Manifestation of Personal Piety (Eugene Cruz-Uribe)
- Jaana Toivari-Viitala, Women at Deir el-Medina: A Study of the Status and Roles of the Female Inhabitants in the Workmen's Community during the Ramesside Period (Emily Teeter) 128
- Wendy Smith, Archaeobotanical Investigations of Agriculture at Late Antique Kom el-Nana (Tell el-Amarna) (Salima Ikram)
- Amanda-Alice Maravelia, Magic in Ancient Egypt: Metaphysical Quintessence of the Land of Gods (Helen Tourna)

- Journal: Changes At Jnes
Chicago Journals The Journal of Near Eastern Studies is changing the frequency of its issues, and altering the format of the content, the layout and the style. Scary that they have a two year backlog of book reviews! The editors and publisher of the...

- Online Publication Of More Oi Titles
The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago has announced the online publication of fifteen Egyptology titles, free of charge. MISC. The Burden of Egypt: An Interpretation of Ancient Egyptian Culture. By John A. Wilson. Oriental Institute Essay....

- Journal Of Near Eastern Studies Volume 68, Number 1
Thanks Kat The Journal of Near Eastern Studies Volume 68, Number 1 (January 2009) is now available at 1 relevant article: On the Identification of the Ships of kzd/ry in the Erased Customs Account from Elephantine...

- Journal Of Near Eastern Studies, Volume 67, Number 3
Journal of Near Eastern Studies Thanks oodles to Kat Newkirk for sorting out the relevant bits for me! The Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Volume 67, Number 3, (July 2008)is now available at Relevant...

- Oriental Institute Books Online
Thanks very much to Kat Newkirk for forwarding the following list of books available online, in PDF format, at the Oriental Institute (some of the pages may take some time to load): Temple of Khonsu, Volume 3. The Graffiti on the Khonsu Temple Roof at...

