Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Volume 67, Number 3

Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Volume 67, Number 3

Journal of Near Eastern Studies

Thanks oodles to Kat Newkirk for sorting out the relevant bits for me!

The Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Volume 67, Number 3, (July 2008)is now available at

Relevant book reviews:

André Wiese and Andreas Brodbeck, Tutanchamun: Das goldene Jenseits: Grabschätze aus dem Tal der Könige. Review by Emily Teeter

Renée Friedman, Egypt and Nubia: Gifts of the Desert review by Bruce Williams

Chantal Heurtel, Les inscriptions coptes et grecques du temple d'Hathor à Deir al-Médîna, suivies de la publication des notes manuscrites de François Daumas, 1946-1947. Review by T. G. Wilfong

Anne Boud'hors, Ostraca grecs et coptes: des fouilles de Jean Maspero à Baouit: O. Bawit IFAO 1-67 et O. Nancy. Review by T. G. Wilfong

Petra M. Sijpesteijn and Lennart Sundelin, Papyrology and the History of Early Islamic Egypt. Review by Li Guo

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