Discovery Channel - more on KV63

Discovery Channel - more on KV63 (
Discovery are advertising a follow-up to their first KV63 feature: "Egypt's New Tomb: Opening the Coffin is the second program following the astonishing discoveries being made by archaeologist Dr. Otto Schaden in Egypt's Valley of the Kings. This special follows the on-going action as the excavation of KV 63 reaches its climax."
I've read it three times and failed to find a date for when it is being aired, although I know it MUST be there - I'm just having one of those days today! However, the KV63 website says that it is being aired in the USA on July 9, 2006, 9:00 -10:00 pm ET. See the above page for more about the programme.

There is a lovely photograph of one of the coffins at:

- Mark Rose On Discovery's Latest Kv63 Offering Mark Rose continues to do a great job on the Archaeology magazine website with a new piece on the Discovery Channel's programme about the opening of the last coffin at KV63, accompanied by some...

- Kv63: A Mystery Fit For A Pharaoh Thanks very much to Aayko Eyma for the above link to a four page article about KV63, on the website, introducing the find,...

- More On The Kv63 Gold Coffin Another report about the tiny golden coffin found at KV63: "The archaeologists discovered seven coffins; there are no mummies in the first five they have opened, but there is one big...

- Kv63 Documentary More details about the Discovery Channel's documentary on KV63, which will be aired on June 4th: " For the first time ever audiences will descend down a narrow shaft beneath desert sands to enter...

- Kv 63 Web Links
A round-up of some of the most useful resources for KV63 for those struggling to keep track of the most useful websites. Others will doubtless become available when the excavation has finished and the details become available for official publication....

