KV 63 web links

KV 63 web links

A round-up of some of the most useful resources for KV63 for those struggling to keep track of the most useful websites. Others will doubtless become available when the excavation has finished and the details become available for official publication. The Theban Mapping Project website, for example, will doubtless be an excellent resource at that time.

KV63 on the University of Memphis website
The University of Memphis page dedicated to the KV63 excavation, with a list of links to news articles and photographs, together with brief details of the team.

KV63 Blog
A blog written by Sharon Nichols, one of the student team members from the KV63 excavation, with as-it-happens accounts of the dig.

KV63 Official Page
The dedicated website for KV63, currently under construction, as of February 2006.

National Geographic Summary
http://tinyurl.com/e2uy8 (National Geographic)
A good summary of the find immediately after its discovery in early February 2006

KV63 Location
Some annotated photographs showing the site's location on the EEF website.

- Kv63 Dig Status Updated
KV 63 Home Page Many thanks to Bob Partridge from Ancient Egypt Magazine for letting me know that the KV63 website has been updated as follows, by Otto Schaden: It has been some time since my last update as many administrative issues necessitated my...

- Kv63 Update
http://www.kv-63.com/pages/1/index.htmThe KV63 website has been updated with some more news: "Coffin G (the Youth Coffin) was bought up successfully. The coffin appears very solid and in good condition (no termite damage). The coffin does possess a very...

- Kv63 Team Members In Memphis
http://tinyurl.com/rlod3 (commercialappeal.com)A chatty piece about KV63 from the points of view of Professor Lorelei Corcoran and Sharon Nichols, two of the KV63 team who have just returned to Memphis: "Back in Memphis for the first time since the find,...

- Where Is Kv63?
Members of the Electronic Egyptology Forum (EEF) have been contributing photographs and maps to the EEF's web pages, and some are very useful for visualizing where the site actually is. http://www.egyptologyforum.org/bbs/KV63J.html On this page there...

- Updates Re Kv63
For those hoping for an update, I have found nothing new re KV63 today. Otto Shaden and his team will continue to clear the base of the shaft and the entrance to the tomb before entering it. There will probably be more news next week. For those wanting...

