KV63 team members in Memphis

KV63 team members in Memphis

http://tinyurl.com/rlod3 (commercialappeal.com)
A chatty piece about KV63 from the points of view of Professor Lorelei Corcoran and Sharon Nichols, two of the KV63 team who have just returned to Memphis: "Back in Memphis for the first time since the find, Nichols and Corcoran spoke Monday at the UofM Art Museum about the discovery that won the Institute international publicity. Punching through slides that showed the area in the Valley of Kings where the discovery was made -- there's the cornerstone that betrayed the site, the shaft leading three stories down, the crevice that was the top of the door, the stones that protected the entrance and finally the vault itself -- Corcoran remembered the moment when she and Nichols and their team became the first to enter the tomb since it was sealed sometime in the 1,500 to 1,800 years before. 'You'd think you'd have this feeling of wanting to rush inside, but we didn't,' Corcoran said. 'We felt very awed. It was a very solemn moment, and we almost felt very hesitant to go inside.' "
Those who enjoyed Sharon's blog, will be pleased to know that Corcoran describes her as a "lucky charm". According to the acticle, both are returning to Egypt next week.
See the above page for more.

Also covered, but more briefly at the following page:

- The Mummy's Curse - Kv63
About.com (K. Kris Hirst) My thanks to Archaeology Magazine for linking to this item on their Today's Headlines page. The writer is commenting on a long article in Harper's Magazine, and suggests that journalists have a poor appreciation of the...

- Zahi Hawass Report In Horus
http://www.egyptair.com.eg/docs/publicity/contenthours.htmThanks to Greg Reeder for forwarding extracts from Zahi Hawass's latest report in the HORUS in-flight magazine of EgyptAir, March/April 2006, pages 19-21. Unfortunately there's no online...

- Kv 63 Web Links
A round-up of some of the most useful resources for KV63 for those struggling to keep track of the most useful websites. Others will doubtless become available when the excavation has finished and the details become available for official publication....

- Discovering Kv63
http://tinyurl.com/bggwc (Tennessean.com) No new information, but this is a short, nice piece about the discovery of KV63 by the team Amenmesse team from Memphis: "Led by institute research associate Dr. Otto Schaden, the team was there for their annual...

- More Updates On New Tomb Kv63
Whose tomb?There has been lots of speculation on the web about a) whose tomb this was, and b) who is buried in it now. A lot of people are hoping against hope that the mummies would proved to be Amarna royalty. Here are some of the educated opinions....

