Discovering KV63

Discovering KV63 (
No new information, but this is a short, nice piece about the discovery of KV63 by the team Amenmesse team from Memphis: "Led by institute research associate Dr. Otto Schaden, the team was there for their annual excavation of the tomb of King Amenmesse. They got sidetracked after a team member, Irish archeologist Alistair Dickey, unearthed a precisely cut corner stone. He cleared more earth away and found the start of a vertical shaft. Other team members gathered around. They watched the shaft get deeper as more earth was cleared. . . . The door, about 20 feet below ground level, was blocked by limestone chips. The diggers cleared an opening about 6 inches high. Dickey and team photographer Heather Alexander peered inside. In the darkness, they saw forms. Alexander, flat on her stomach, aimed her flashlight inside."
Corcoran is quoted saying that the it could take five days before the burial chamber is cleared. See the article for the full story.

- Tv: Egypt's Mystery Chamber - Kv63
MarketWatch Since 2006 the world famous discovery of tomb KV63 in Egypt's Valley of the Kings has been shut to the outside world, the meaning of its remaining unopened relics, blemished inscriptions and delicate artifacts left shrouded in uncertainty....

- Kv63 Dig Status Updated
KV 63 Home Page Many thanks to Bob Partridge from Ancient Egypt Magazine for letting me know that the KV63 website has been updated as follows, by Otto Schaden: It has been some time since my last update as many administrative issues necessitated my...

- Hawass Dig Days: Kv63 Zahi Hawass's Dig Days column on the Al Ahram website this week features KV63, the newly discovered shaft and chamber in the Valley of the Kings. This is part 1 of an item which is scheduled to be continued:...

- More Updates On New Tomb Kv63
Whose tomb?There has been lots of speculation on the web about a) whose tomb this was, and b) who is buried in it now. A lot of people are hoping against hope that the mummies would proved to be Amarna royalty. Here are some of the educated opinions....

- Updates On The New Kings Valley Find (CNN) A few more details about the site and its contents: "So far, archaeologists have not entered the tomb, having only opened part of its 1.5-meter (yard)-high entrance door last week. But they have peered inside the single...

