Hawass Dig Days: KV63

Hawass Dig Days: KV63

Zahi Hawass's Dig Days column on the Al Ahram website this week features KV63, the newly discovered shaft and chamber in the Valley of the Kings. This is part 1 of an item which is scheduled to be continued: "The story of this discovery began last year, when Schaden wrote to me to say he had found a shaft located near the tomb of Amenmesse of the 19th Dynasty (KV 10). Amenmesse's tomb had been discovered long ago, but Schaden had worked for many years on cleaning and recording it. He never dreamed of working outside the tomb, since this was not part of his concession. However, his luck changed last year when the Inspector of Qurna came to see him and asked him to clean the area around KV 10's entrance as part of a planned Supreme Council of Antiquities project to protect the valley from flooding. While doing so, and purely by accident, Schaden came across the top of this shaft."
See the above article for the full story.

- More Re The New Tomb: A Summary Of The Known Facts To Date
Egyptological (Kate Phizackerley) Kate Phizackerley has posted a summary of the known facts to date, within the context of existing knowledge about excavations in the Valley of the Kings The tomb was announced in Luxor by Mansour Boraik in Luxor and Mohamed...

- Dig Days: Secrets From The Embalming Storeroom
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/808/hr1.htmAnother curious piece about the internal politics within the KV63 team, from Zahi Hawass in his Dig Days column on the Al Ahram Weekly website: "Zahi HawassExcavations continue in the Valley of the Kings inside...

- Kv63
http://msnbc.msn.com/id/12990529/A three page article on the MSNBC website about KV63 and the knowledge that has been accumulated so far, including extracts from a recent interview with Otto Schaden: "Five of KV-63's coffins are known to contain mummification...

- Zahi Hawass - Dig Days
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/793/hr4.htmZahi Hawass is using his Al Ahram column this week to talk about KV63 in the context of other Valley of the Kings tombs and caches. This is the first part of an ongoing story, which will be updated in future...

- Discovering Kv63
http://tinyurl.com/bggwc (Tennessean.com) No new information, but this is a short, nice piece about the discovery of KV63 by the team Amenmesse team from Memphis: "Led by institute research associate Dr. Otto Schaden, the team was there for their annual...

