Discussion of the story of Cleopatra's death

Discussion of the story of Cleopatra's death

A lengthy article discussing the myths surrounding Cleopatra VII and in particular her death by the bite of an asp. It is easiest to read in "print" format, but if choose to read it as it is presented on the screen, don't forget to click for the "next page" - this article covers four pages.

- Cleopatra - Death By Cocktail?
The Telegraph, UK (Allan Hall) The Queen of the Nile ended her life in 30BC and it has always been held that it was the bite of an asp – now called the Egyptian cobra – which caused her demise. Now Christoph Schaefer, German historian and professor...

- More On Cleopatra Dressed As A Man
http://abc.net.au/science/news/ancient/AncientRepublish_1466031.htm In an article entitled "Was Cleopatra a Drag Queen" (!) this ABC news item covers the story, which has been raised a couple of times in this blog, about images of Cleopatra depicted in...

- Possible Depiction Of Anthony And Cleopatra On Roman Vase
http://dsc.discovery.com/news/briefs/20040412/cleopatra.html (article) http://dsc.discovery.com/news/briefs/20040412/cleopatra_zoom.html (image of the vase) "The epic romance between Egyptian queen Cleopatra and the Roman general Marc Antony was immortalized...

- Cobra Kisses
Cleopatra's death in 30 bc at the hands of an Egyptian asp is the stuff of legend but there is others who doubt this. A death by snake bite would have been a slow pain full death and that more than likely the Egyptian ruler took a quicker more...

- Taposiris Magna

