Distance learning BA in Egyptology?

Distance learning BA in Egyptology?

Facebook - We want an Online BA in Egyptology

Thanks for Jane Akshar for letting me know that there is a new Facebook site which has been set up to explore the level of enthusiasm for an online distance-learning BA. in Egyptology. Manchester University are assessing the possibility of establishing one but will need some idea of the numbers it is likely to attract. This unofficial site is hoping to get some idea of those numbers. If you would be interested please have a look at their Facebook site. Here's the introduction:

Manchester University have started to look into doing an online BA in Egyptology. They have done this because of pressure from students of the Certificate in Egyptology who wanted to carry on with their studies.

I believe there is a great demand for this course and thought it might be a good idea to give them an idea of potential numbers. Also what issues would be of concern to students e.g. cost, full or part time.

So if you would like to do an online BA in Egyptology join up. This is not an official page of Manchester University.

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