Meresamun on Facebook

Meresamun on Facebook

Meresamun Facebook page

Sometimes, just sometimes, I think that the freedom to communicate on such a global scale leads some of us to do things about which we should have thought twice. The mummy Meresamun now has a Facebook page, and I really have to wonder why. On the other hand "she" has over 1000 friends, so someone somewhere must be doing something right. You have to add her as a friend to find out more about her. I am only on Facebook, against all my better instincts, in order to keep up to date with distant friends who have jumped on the site's bandwagon, and I cannot see myself adding a virtual mummy as a friend. But do let me know if she has any fascinating gems of wisdom or news to impart. Enjoy!

- New Facebook Page / New Book: Third Intermediate Period
Thanks to Kate Phizackerley for pointing out that there is a new page on Facebook dedicated to the Third Intermediate Period: On that page Aidan Dodson has announced that he has a new book on the Third...

- Special Online Feature: Priestess Of Amun
Archaeology Magazine (Eti Bonn-Muller) There is a great online feature about Meresamun on the Archaeology Magazine website. See the above page for a number of different sections which look at different aspects of Meresamun. ARCHAEOLOGY's March/April...

- New Facebook Presence For The Petrie
Thanks to Jan Picton, Secretary, Friends of the Petrie Museum, for the information that there is now a new unofficial Fan page for the Petrie Museum - and you don't have to belong to Facebook to look at it. It gives you the opportunity to start discussions,...

- Meresamun
The University of Chicago magazine has an excellent interactive piece on the mummy of Meresamun. Outstanding!

- Meet Meresamun
The coffin and mummy of the temple singer Meresamun will be on display at the wonderful Oriental institute in Chicago this year.

