Djehuty Dig Diary 2011

Djehuty Dig Diary 2011

Proyecto Djehuty

The Proyecto Djehuty dig diary is back with several entries already for January.

In Spanish, with photos.

- Interview With José Manuel Galán, Director Of The Djehuty Project With photo. Su currículo nos dice que estamos ante un 'galáctico' de la egiptología, y su conversación, que disfruta con verdadera pasión de cada uno de los avances realizados en los últimos nueve años que ha durado su...

- Video: Djehuty Tomb Discoveries Spanish. It helps if you speak Spanish, of course, but even if you don't speak the language some of the footage is excellent. La Capilla Sixtina del Antiguo Egipto ha salido a la luz. Un equipo de arqueólogos del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones...

- Proyecto Djehuty Closes For The Season
Proyecto Djehuty The 8th season of the Djehuty Project has now ended for the year. The site was closed up with locks on the iron gates, the seal of the SCA put in place. It was then walled up with stones and cement. The preliminary report for the Supreme...

- Diario Djehuty 2009
Proyecto Djehuty The Djehuty project has launched its annual dig diary. In fact I'm several days behind the time as the diary was opened on the 12th January with the following update. It has been updated on a daily basis since then, and Dicen que...

- La Tercera Visita A Djehuty (Juan J Gomez) Thanks very much to "Tepsicore" for sending me the above link. The seventh season of work at the tomb of Djehuty in Luxor is taking place. Djehuty was a noble who had senior roles under the reign of Hatshepsut. The aim of the...

