Djoser's Pyramid

Djoser's Pyramid

Here Dr. Hawass announces recent discoveries near the step pyramid.

- Photo - The Sarcophagus Of Djoser A new photograph (number 46) on Zahi Hawass's official website, this time from the Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photos Of Work At The Step Pyramid Of Djoser Images 44 and 45 show views inside the Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara. Good photographs.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Video: Treasures Discovered In Egypt
BBC News (Christian Fraser) Thanks to Vincent Brown's Talking Pyramids blog for highlighting this video. It lasts for over two minutes and offers a short overview of some recent discoveries and some ongoing problems in Egyptian archaeology. There's...

- Zahi Hawass, Dig Days Column Hawass's regular Dig Days piece, this week entitled Adventures in the Step Pyramid, Hawass describes entering one of the Queens' pyramids located south of the Menkaure Pyramid at Giza, and the Step...

- Life In The Fayum
Archaeological discoveries are being found in the Fayum north of lake Qarun includinf Arrow heads and pottery.

