Life in the Fayum

Life in the Fayum

Archaeological discoveries are being found in the Fayum north of lake Qarun includinf Arrow heads and pottery.

- Growing And Grinding
IHC An advert for an upcoming talk by Willeke Wendrich, but it contains some information about the Faiyum and is quite well timed given the above discussions about the risks to the archaeology of the Faiyum. The north shore of Lake Qarun in the Egyptian...

- Faiyum Protectorate Not Protected
Al Masry Al Youm Thanks very much to Ben's Egypt Then and Now website for pointing to the above article, which I had missed. It is very topical given the new fieldwork taking place in the Faiyum Depression, but this has been an ongoing problem for...

- Faiyum Neolithic Granaries
I'm like a dog with a bone on this particular subject, I know, but my last word on the granaries until the end of January. Willeke Wendrich (heading the UCLA project in the Faiyum) has said that the team's website will be updated at the end of...

- Burial In The Fayum
Here is another article on the recent discoveries in the Fayum including a picture nice mummy....

- Djoser's Pyramid
Here Dr. Hawass announces recent discoveries near the step pyramid.

