Burial in the Fayum

Burial in the Fayum

Here is another article on the recent discoveries in the Fayum including a picture nice mummy.

- Exhibition: Unpublished Faiyum Portraits In Madrid
Art Daily The Fayum Mummy Portraits continue to surprise to this day with their modern sensibility and vitality. Made between the first and fourth centuries A.D. they come from the tomb of Al- Fayum as well as from other places across Egypt, and they...

- Fayum Project - Season 2008
Fayum Project 2008 (UCLA/RUG) Details of the 2008 season of work carried out by the Fayum Project at Karanis, and the prehistoric sites E29H1 and Kom K. The report is accompanied by some excellent photographs. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- The Book Of The Fayum
 The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore will be presenting an exhibition on the Greco-Roman book of the Fayum and will be re-uniting major portions of the papyrus for the first time in more than a century since its division in 1859. The book deals...

- Mummy Find
I must say I am suspicious that this is an old story making its rounds again but I have been wrong before. Archaeologists working in the Fayum have found a cemetery dating to the second dynasty as well as many tombs which contained intact mummies and...

- Life In The Fayum
Archaeological discoveries are being found in the Fayum north of lake Qarun includinf Arrow heads and pottery. http://drhawass.com/blog/press-release-archaeological-discoveries-faiyum...

