DNA tests may ID mummy as pharaoh Tuthmosis

DNA tests may ID mummy as pharaoh Tuthmosis

State Information Service

The Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) decided to conduct laboratory tests on one of the unknown mummies in the tomb of King "Citi I" with the purpose of determining whether it belongs to the King Thutmose I or not. This came after the mummy believed to be of King Thutmose I withdrawn from the Royal Mummies Hall in the Egyptian Museum as archeologists discovered that it is not his mummy. Dr. Zahi Hawwas, SCA Secretary General, said on 3/7/2007 that the DNA analyses on the unknown mummy will be compared to the analyses made on the members of the family of the king including Hatshepsut, Thutmose II and Thutmose III. Hawwas added that after archeologists have confirmed that the mummy of King "Thutmose I" is not for him following the DNA analyses, the mummy withdrawn from the Royal Mummies Hall in the Egyptian Museum and a specialized Egyptian team of archeologists and technicians will start search for the mummy of King Thutmose I.


Egypt will run DNA tests on an unidentified mummy to determine whether it is the pharaoh Tuthmosis I, who ruled over a period of military expansion and extensive construction, state news agency MENA said on Tuesday.

Egypt's chief archaeologist Zahi Hawass said the findings would be compared with DNA from mummies of known members of Tuthmosis's family, including Queen Hatshepsut, whose mummy was identified last week, and Kings Tuthmosis II and III, according to MENA.

Hawass said on Wednesday that he had recently concluded that a mummy once assumed to be that of Tuthmosis I was not in fact his, but belonged to a much younger man who died from an arrow wound.

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